
How to Repair a Strained Mother-Daughter Relationship

Mother-daughter relationships can be a source of many good things. They provide a safe place to share secrets, do life together, and even have some pretty great slumber parties. But as we all know, they don’t always stay this way. As girls grow into women, they become less willing to accept their mothers’ advice and may even feel defensive around them. This can lead to a strained relationship, which both parties will naturally want to repair.

If your relationship with your mother has grown frosty or just plain uncomfortable, don’t fret.  While the process of mending the lines between you might be bumpy at first, there are several things you can do to make it work. Here are five ways you might be able to repair your relationship with your mom.

Ask Her Questions

Asking questions is a great way to start the process of repairing your relationship with your mother. In order for this strategy to work, though, you have to be open to her answers without scrutinizing them. Be sure you’re ready to listen before asking a question, and remember that genuine curiosity is key.

If you want to take this tactic a step further, try asking her questions about herself. Find out what she used to be like as a child or teenager, what she thinks about most days, what things are like for her now. Many women find that getting to know their own mother better has made them feel closer to her.

Tell Her What You Love About Her

This one might feel a little awkward at first, but trust us—it will be worth it in the end. When you tell your mother what you love about her, she’ll know that all of the things she did (or tried to do) for you really did make a difference. It will also show her how much you appreciate everything she’s done and give her the chance to hear some positive feedback.

Spend Time Together

Some of the best mother-daughter relationships are those that involve lots of time spent together. Whether you’re going to a movie or having dinner, make sure that your day includes some quality time with your mom. Besides, if you don’t have plans with her, there’s a good chance that she’ll be thinking something along the lines of “Why doesn’t my daughter want to spend time with me?” You definitely don’t want that.

Give Her Something That Makes You Happy

Make it a point to do something every now and then that will make your mom happy. It doesn’t have to be something big, just something that will brighten her day and show how much you care and appreciate her. This could consist of making a homemade card or baking her favorite treat.

Find for both of you an online therapy that

If you are tired of living with your mom and can’t fix your relationship with her, then you might want to consider moving out. However, if you want to stay in your current place but need some help repairing your bond with her, online therapy might be for you. The best thing about online therapy is that you can share your story and get feedback from a trained professional when you need it the most, in the privacy of your own home where you won’t be judged or misunderstood.  

If you want to make a change and fix a bad relationship with someone who means a lot to you, then join us today. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get started right away. Why wait?
